Bess list of names

To what extent that ethnicity is the most important influence on identity?

Evaluate the view that fixed gender roles are important for making societies stable.

Evaluate the view that class identities are not important anymore.

Evaluate the view that social identities are changing due to increased choice; Evaluate the view that globalisation is giving people greater choice over their identities.

Changing identities

<aside> 🚨 Structuralist vs interpretivist, certainties & uncertainties


<aside> 🖖 For: GreatestCommonFactor


<aside> 🤏 Against: DIFferentiation


| Globalisation: global econ and cultural influences opened up → hybrid identities • ethnic (merging) eg ABC • mixing identities | Traditional identities persisting uncertainty → confusion → defensive reassertion ◦ Ethnicity (Troyna) cultural resistant | | --- | --- | | 3C Increased choice: consumerism, background presentation of self ◦ class (disappearing) ◦ Postmodernist: old certainties of turned into new uncertainties, fragmented identities mall analogy | Older identities are still important ◦ Class (Reay) | | New and hybrid identities: Freedom invent adapt pix personal tastsdecentred (traditions) identities ◦ gender (changing) ◦ Personal narratives - The postmodern subject | Freedom less common in some parts of the world ◦ Gender Muslims |

<aside> 🔞 Troyna, turning inward protect racism, cultural resistance not hybrid Reay, interests of privileged by masking their advantages Muslisms, structural, (possessions) & emphasized femininity (traditional/exposed)


Explain the view that globalisation/increased choice/hybrid identities is changing age/class/gendered identities

Evaluate the view that gender identity is changing.

Evaluate the view that ethnic identity is changing

Evaluate the view that age identities are changing.