
  1. 阶级的属性变了(经济crompton goldthrope)
  2. 阶级的群体性不重要了(Savage autonomy and deny to be the outcome of social system和neo liberal)
  3. 阶级的矛盾淡化了,物质保障与观念mobility(Beck)


  1. 经济和文化的差异造成了社会分层,这些差异无法消除,人类的社会属性,归属感

British Attitude Survey Reay: ‘class has always been important, regardless of whether a majority of the population identify in class terms’

  1. 阶级有insular封闭性,我们不是upper class。排斥新成员,Weber(in hierarchy,easier to move up or down to middle class that to upper),eg文化资本
  2. 阶层不平等在默默的强化,using ISA,culture industry和false class consciousness是上层阶级故意营造的,obscure但没有改变阶级矛盾,eg life chances,eg Davies

UKEssays. (November 2018). How Class Conscious Are People Today Sociology Essay

How Class Conscious Are People Today Sociology Essay

Tony Blair 1999 we were ‘all becoming middle class’ ‘old replaced by new meritocratic middle cls’

Marxists: social class defined by income, still very important